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Re: technical terms overhaul

On Sat, 20 Jun 2020 19:33:16 +0200
deloptes <deloptes@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello deloptes,

>be true). If you consider LGBT to be normal, then all the rest is
>considered as not normal or vv.

{leaving aside that language isn't maths, binary logic doesn't apply to
people, and any other canard you care to take a swing at}

That's why the term used most often now is LGBTQ+, which includes more
sexualities.  The goalposts are still moving, however.

Above info received from my daughter.

OMG!  Did I just assume their gender?


No, I checked:  She identifies as female.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
We don't need no-one to tell us what's right or wrong
The Modern World - The Jam

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