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Re: Small Open Source Digital Classroom

Bob Weber wrote:

> Have you seen Debian education? Start here and see if there are any
> programs that your wife could use.  They probably would need the students
> to have Debian on their computers or you could use vnc so they could all
> see what the teacher is doing on her computer (possible security problems
> maybe make students only view without write).
> https://blends.debian.org/edu/tasks/
> <https://blends.debian.org/edu/tasks/>

Sorry to make this comment, but for professional use, please, recommend
something that _is_ working. Most of the damage done to linux desktop is of
things not fully working or not working at all

Also think of administrative overhead. I would look into web tools instead.
Years ago we were doing few things with moodle - but it is huge and mostly
pays off only at institutional level. Since then I have not looked into
what is available, but I am sure there are plenty of open source free web
tools that can be used. Recently I was looking at zoom.us - seems to be in
hype now - can be installed in debian and can be used as video conferencing

Don't waste time on VNC - what a BS idea! If I were the teacher I would be
ashamed if my students had to use it.

On the fly google "linux free class room software" says


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