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Re: OT Filing for free vs Free File, was Re: Simple software for a scanner … LIDE 700F)

On Tuesday 10 March 2020 00:02:43 David Wright wrote:

> On Mon 09 Mar 2020 at 14:22:12 (-0500), John Hasler wrote:
> > David Wright writes:
> > > Obviously I'm not giving advice on either (which would probably be
> > > illegal)
> >
> > It's never illegal to give *free* advice.
> Perhaps not, but some might prefer to keep their heads below the
> parapet when even citizens' lives rank lower than maintaining
> statistics that could affect the economy.

Thats one way of putting it. Opening the 4th  box is another. When my 2nd 
took the kids and left 35 years ago, it was a total surprise when I was 
garnisheed for quite a few thousand. It seems she had been insisting on 
doing the taxes for 6 or 7 years, but she had been cooking the books 
too.  But since I was the wage earner, they came after me. But I had a 
good job, so I survived getting that paid off, and got me another bed 
warmer 30 years ago. So you'll have to excuse me if I don't stick my 
head above the parapet unless its following a suitable argument 

But I didn't know there was a free filing system, Block sure isn't 
advertiseing it, I think they much prefer to keep on charging me around 
$300 to put their stamp on it.  so I may investigate it, thanks for the 
heads up.

> Anyway, here is a recent and 
> an older link for those mystified by my first post in this OT thread:
> https://econsultancy.com/us-tax-return-prep-companies-can-no-longer-di
> https://qz.com/1307700/free-file-many-americans-who-file-taxes-online-
> Because tax submission is not something that's made public, you can
> see that there's a difficulty for just any old company to go
> ambulance-chasing. OTOH where there's a public record (analogous to
> a street accident), it's easier for them to move in:
> https://www.aptac-us.org/sam-registration-is-free-be-careful-what-you-
> (I picked that example at random. I've no financial or other interest
> in any company. I'd just like the best for people who read this list.)
> Cheers,
> David.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
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