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Re: Debian for PPC (was Re: New mobo with decent video? [Was: Re: How to tweak postfix from SMTP on 25 to SMTPS on 465?])

El lun, 09-03-2020 a las 10:58 -0400, Kenneth Parker escribió:
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2020, 8:46 AM Greg Wooledge <wooledg@eeg.ccf.org>
> wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 09, 2020 at 05:11:29PM +1030, dvalin@internode.on.net
> > wrote:
> > > $ more /etc/issue
> > > Debian GNU/Linux 7 n l
> > 
> > Yikes.
> > 
> > > apt-get install of that fails with:
> > > Err http://ftp.au.debian.org/debian/ wheezy/main stunnel4 i386
> > > 3:4.53-1.1
> > >   404  Not Found [IP: 80]
> > 
> > https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWheezy#FAQ
> This brings up an unusual requirement:  I am now the proud owner of
> an iMac G4 Desklamp, with a bad Hard Drive but, otherwise in good
> condition.  I just checked Debian PPC support, namely ppc64el which,
> specifically excludes old PPC Macs. 
> So how far back, in the Debian Archives do I need to go, before I
> find something that supports a G4? 
> Thank you and best regards, 
> Kenneth Parker 

Good afternoon Parker,

Recently, I have got a iMac G5 working with Debian.

I say you that PowerPC(PowerPC 32 bits Big Endian) and PPC64 (PowerPC
64 bits Big Endian) are available as unofficial ports and with low
maintenance status.

As I am using the PowerPC64 port I cannot ensure that this will work
for your case but I am going to try it.

First, you need to download the last image for the PowerPC port at 

The big issue with the image is that the latest keys for the ports 
repository are not available in the image. So that, you must finish the
installation "as default" without configure the mirror and then
download and install the package with the signatures at 
https://packages.debian.org/debian-ports-archive-keyring for

Since the default installation doesn't include wget or curl I had to
use a pendrive to port the package and install it. 

Then, the repositories to be set should be:

- deb http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports unstable main
- deb [arch=all] http://ftp.debian.org/debian unstable contrib non-free

You can also use the CDN links with the same directories (debian-ports
and debian) being the first for packages built for your arch and the
second one for contrib and non-free packages available as common
distribution for every arch. This is made because only main is
available for this arch as far I have checked in 

I am going to guess that you know how to use the tasksel after this
steps and updating the package list and upgrading to the latest

I don't know the specifications of your hardware but I am going to
guess that includes a ATI card. In /etc/yaboot.conf after every label=
(below directly could be preferable but I am not really sure how yaboot
parse the config) you have to or should add append="radon.agpmode=-1"
to prevent the system freeze at boot time as I have read a lot for
different models and also in some installation guides. 

A last thing: as far I have read and checked personally in some
installations guides and other GNU+Linux distributions manuals, that
there is an issue with hardware acceleration through OpenGL making
pictures and colors, in general, being seen in blue and red in a weird
way. This could happen in common tasks like web browsing and in general
playing games.
Echedey, López Romero

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