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Re: trouble with my account's groups and strange 'id' result

On Fri, Feb 07, 2020 at 08:53:29PM +0100, Patrice Duroux wrote:
> Currently on a Debian Sid system, I am facing this inconsistent 'id' result:
> patrice@hp-dark:~$ id
> uid=1000(patrice) gid=1000(patrice) groupes=1000(patrice),4(adm),24(cdrom),25(floppy),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),50(staff),100(users),102(systemd-journal),108(netdev),113(bluetooth),126(kvm),127(debian-tor),997(systemd-coredump)
> patrice@hp-dark:~$ id patrice
> uid=1000(patrice) gid=1000(patrice) groupes=1000(patrice),4(adm),24(cdrom),25(floppy),27(sudo),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),50(staff),100(users),102(systemd-journal),108(netdev),113(bluetooth),126(kvm),997(systemd-coredump),127(debian-tor),999(bumblebee)

Typically this means you haven't logged out and back in yet.

> I have tried to quit the desktop (GNOME) session and to open again a session.

Ahh... GNOME is involved.  OK, that complicates matters.  In addition
to what I said above, it's *also* possible that you're reusing a
terminal from a previous login, which has your previous credentials.

This is also possible without GNOME (e.g. you are using screen/tmux,
you detach your terminal session, you log out and back in, and then
you reattach to tmux/screen -- which is still running a process with
your previous credentials), but GNOME seems to take it to a new level,
doing this sort of thing to people who aren't even using tmux/screen.

Instead of launching a terminal as a child of the window manager, like
any other sensible windowing environment would do, GNOME dispatches
a request to the dbus daemon, and asks dbus to spawn a terminal for
you.  What you get from there, who knows.

> I am sure that rebooting my system will solve this 'cache' (systemd?) trouble.
> Is this expected?
> And I would have like to make some test without having to reboot before. What do I have to do?

Hmm... the first thing that comes to mind is finding out when your
shell, and your shell's parent process, were started.

ps -fp $$,$PPID

Try that in the window where you're seeing the unexpected results.
Compare the process start times to the time you logged out and back

Beyond that... if you want more details about the dbus layer, and how
that relates to login credentials, unfortunately I'm not the person who
can give you that information.  If you can't find it in the GNOME/dbus
documentation, and if nobody else here knows, then you might want to
ask on a GNOME mailing list.

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