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Re: New Buster install crashing

On Thu, 31 Oct 2019 15:45:59 +0000 (UTC)
"J.W. Foster" <jfoster81747@yahoo.com> wrote:

> So this is the issue. This is a newly built system hardware that
> is all cutting edge and I have other Linux OS as well as windows
> installed and all work well. I have had a consistent issue with Buster
> crashing the system. I can only tell that it is losing control of the
> keyboard and mouse which leaves me with a reboot situation with journal
> recovery. It's been years since I encountered an issue like this and I
> have been using Debian since the early floppy drive days. 
> The thing I am seeking is where to look for logs that indicate
> specifically what is occurring. I know this is a vague question, so if
> you need more specific info just let me know.Thanks!John

Cutting-edge hardware can be a problem for Linux.  It takes a few
months for open-source drivers to be written.  You should post your
hardware specs, including the graphics card.  There may be known issues.

Did you install the firmware appropriate to your motherboard (Intel or
AMD)? I had to do this to get Buster to work 100% correctly even though
it was on Virtualbox on this very old (almost 13 years, but numerous
upgrades) box of mine. You may have to enable the non-free repos to get
the appropriate firmware. Or reinstall using the "Non-free" install

Graphic cards can be a problem, particularly if they are the
super-duper, cutting-edge (there's that word, again) gamer kind.  The
driver the Buster installer picked may not be suitable.

You could have a corrupted drive or a bad controller chip on the MB.  I
experienced the latter on a brand new board.  POST would hang at the
keyboard with a "bad keyboard" error reported with the appropriate
number of beeps.  All keyboards used were good.  Worked fine on other
systems.  Bad controller chip.

I doubt if you will find a log report of the problem.  Computer boots,
then at sometime freezes or becomes unresponsive, that is, kernel
crashes or gets in an infinite CPU cycle eating loop.  Log probably
doesn't or can't be written.


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