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Re: What is the location of the "depmod" program on your machine? vmware tools installation error

On Fri, 6 Sep 2019 19:23:53 +0530
Tapas Mishra <mightydreams@gmail.com> wrote:

> What is the location of the "depmod" program on your
> machine? Use of uninitialized value $gOption{"default"} in numeric eq
> (==) at ./vmware-install.pl line 866, <STDIN> line 1.

The answer is, that depends.

On a Debian 10 (buster) machine that was upgraded from Debian 9
(stretch), it is at:

root@hawk:~# which depmod 

On a freshly installed Debian 10, it is at:

root@jhegaala:~# which depmod 

According to the package, it should be at:

root@hawk:~# apt-file search depmod | grep depmod$
kmod: /sbin/depmod

This is due to something called "merged usr", described at
Follow the link there for more explanation.

This has hit the amanda packages, and I filed a bug,
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=939411 for that
package. You might do the same for your package.

"When we talk of civilization, we are too apt to limit the meaning of
the word to its mere embellishments, such as arts and sciences; but
the true distinction between it and barbarism is, that the one
presents a state of society under the protection of just and
well-administered law, and the other is left to the chance government
of brute force."
- The Rev. James White, Eighteen Christian Centuries, 1889
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