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Re: HTTP shimmed to HTTPS

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 11:40:59AM -0400, rhkramer@gmail.com wrote:
>    * but when I view source in my email client (kmail 3.n), I see just the "*       
> From: Reco" that I see when viewing the email "normally".
> So, it seems, something is filtering out a lot of the content of the email 
> before it gets to me (I don't think anything else in my system would be 
> filtering anything out -- emails come directly from my ISP to my email client.
> A mystery that I won't dig into any deeper for now.

Well, there are two possibilities.  One is that the messages are actually
being truncated during transmission.  The other is that your email user
agent is not showing you the full message text.

The obvious way to figure out which one it is would be to read the email
in a different way (cat, less, mutt, mailx, ...).

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