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Re: please stop breaking threads (was: Problem Installing DiscoveryStudio2019 in Buster

On 2019-07-09, bw <bwtnguy@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>We are beginning to diverge here from the sound technical arguments and
>>sober, unemotional discourse for which this forum is renown.
> Come on, that's just not true.  This list is full of crap and nobody even 

There was a certain element of jocularity up there that maybe got lost in the
translation, but I admire your spirit.

> knows wtf is up with whty alpine is broken this way, including me.  The 

I doubt it's broken. Maybe you need a role. 

> whole argument reminds me of the myth of the gnat and the camel... 
> https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/straining+at+a+gnat

Here they say, in a similar vein, "enculer une mouche" (to fuck a fly in
the ass), which, I have to admit, is the national sport of some of our
more fastidious participants. 

> I try to help a user swallow the camel, and get criticised for the 
> gnat in my email.
> Anyway, it is a problem I'd love to solve with a mail client that works 
> from linux tty.

Alpine works fine. There are legions of snobs here, though, who, at the
drop of just about any hat, will suggest you switch to mutt, purge
Network Manager, eradicate Gnome, clear out the avahi-daemon, compose in
emacs, and open all windows in FVWM (and the list goes on).

> L8r,
> bw

"These findings demonstrate that under appropriate conditions the isolated,
intact large mammalian brain possesses an underappreciated capacity for
restoration of microcirculation and molecular and cellular activity after a
prolonged post-mortem interval." From a recent article in *Nature*. Holy shit. 

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