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Discussion? New names of betwork devices

Hi folks,

since some time the names for network devices have changed. So its is no more 
"ethX" , but "enp1s10" or similar or "wlan0" and now "wlp5s0". You know, what 
I mean.

This is made by the kernel.

However, I discovered many packages, where are still the old names 
preconfigured with the old names. I think, this may be led to confusion, so let 
me offer some suggestions:

- during installation there should be an advice, to check the name of the 


- interface entries should be generally commented, so that the user has 
forcedly to check the entry


- preconfigure (and repreconfigure) configs, which are preinstalled with the new 

I know, the last one might be problematic, because the developer never can 
know, whhich interface is used (eth0? eth1? wlan0? whatever)

For myself I got the solution: just edited all configs to the new names, but I 
believe, for unexperienced users, this could be problematic. And I also 
believe, an unexperienced user gets in trouble, when nobody points him, where 
to look.

You do not need to look for a solution for me, I just wanted to remember this 
thing and hope, we should keep this little problem in mind. Maybe this is 
worth a discussion, if not, please excuse the noise.

Best regards


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