Re: Fstab Questions (Final time)
On Monday, March 18, 2019 09:59:03 AM Dan Purgert wrote:
> wrote:
> > I (some time ago) read the FHS more than once, and had some input into
> > changing some portions of it (related to /home -- my intent was to allow
> > <user> owned files to be either in /home/<user> or in some other,
> > arbitrarily named, top level directory chosen by the user.
> So, you'd move their home directory then? Or do you mean to say that
> $HOME -> /home/username (as is usually done)
> $FILES -> /somewhere (some new directory for them to throw stuff)
Hmm, I guess (maybe) in your terms, I use the latter -- I maintain (that is,
keep) /home/<username>, but I use it for configuration type information -- the
stuff that is often in . (hidden) files or directories.
For what I consider my real user data (movies, documents, MIDI files, ...), I
create new top level directories (with appropriate subdirectories under them.
The top level is usually named something like /<username> or /<username><nn>
(for the 2nd and beyond), and then subdirectories like /<username>/Documents,
To the extent possible, I try to change the configuration of any program that I
use so that if I save a program from those files, they go to an appropriate
subdirectory under /<username> by default or display a dialog to let me choose
the location. Currently, I think the only program that I haven't managed to
get to do that is the Firefox in Jessie. (No problem with Firefox in Wheezy,
and I haven't yet set up anything beyond jessie.)
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