Re: Fstab Questions (Final time)
Hash: SHA256 wrote:
> On Monday, March 18, 2019 08:56:20 AM Dan Purgert wrote:
>> I'm bad with the FHS, but shouldn't say your shark-attack movies be
>> somewhere in /usr(/local) ?
> I'd say no -- if they were shark attack programs, /usr/local could be
> appropriate. (/usr/local is for local programs)
I think source code can go there as well (/usr/local/src). But taking a
quick look at the FHS, /usr/local is indeed more geared towards
programs, rather than just "read-only" data. So, yeah, /usr/local is
probably out.
> If they are files (movies, documents, MIDI files, ....), they should
> be either in /home/<user> ... (keep reading)
Maybe I misinterpreted it -- I thought we were talking about "shared"
media, saved on an extra harddrive / partition, rather than something
that was more "personal" in nature as implied by sticking it in $HOME.
>> maybe /srv if you're running a media
>> server?
> I've had some input into the FHS -- read more below -- but I don't
> remember offhand about /srv -- I vaguely think that is ok, but keep
> reading ...
According to the FHS[1] , "/srv - Data for services provided by this
system". So, if it's a media server (rather than a desktop with extra
harddrive for local watching), it seems a mountpoint within /srv (e.g.
/srv/movies ) would conform to things.
>> Or is there some caveat that allows for mounting new partitions into
>> the root directory, while remaining "FHS compliant"?
> I (some time ago) read the FHS more than once, and had some input into
> changing some portions of it (related to /home -- my intent was to allow
> <user> owned files to be either in /home/<user> or in some other,
> arbitrarily named, top level directory chosen by the user.
So, you'd move their home directory then? Or do you mean to say that
$HOME -> /home/username (as is usually done)
$FILES -> /somewhere (some new directory for them to throw stuff)
> I do this all the time, and I believe I am in compliance with the FHS.
> If anyone (who is familiar with the FHS) believes different, I'd like
> to know, and I would then attempt to amend the FHS appropriately.
That approach seems to be non-compliant, with the idea that the root
filesystem (/) is supposed to be "as small as reasonably possible".
Though that being said, the FHS seems geared more toward programmers
(i.e. "use the defined directories for your application's needs") and
distro maintainers (i.e. "think very carefully before customizing your
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