Re: Have you used Duplicati to backup Debian 9.8.0 Server?
On Friday 15 March 2019 06:37:12 Curt wrote:
> On 2019-03-15, Dan Ritter <> wrote:
> > Borg integrates nicely as a method for ninjabackup. I recommend
> > them.
> curty@einstein:~$ apt-cache search ninja
> backupninja - lightweight, extensible meta-backup system
> <snip>
> curty@einstein:~$ apt-cache show backupninja
> <snip>
> Backupninja is a silent flower blossom death strike to lost data.
> Okay.
> > -dsr-
So is amanda. Advance Maryland Automatic Disk Archiver. First published
in the early 80's, still under development as its tools change, been
using it since the late 90's myself, about 21 years now. Its backup
strategy is to use about the same amount of media on a daily run. Give
it a 7 day "backup cycle" and it will in time scatter the level 0
backups around, doing level 1's or level 2's in between times, until its
using say 35GB a night. This lends itself to efficient filling of a
tape, if using tapes, yet with my wrapper, it can restore at 6am if need
be, to the exact state that existed at 3am when it was finished with
last nights run. I'm using virtual tapes on a separate big drive,
currently a 2T. Backing up my local 5 machine network, this machine and
4 cnc conversions I've done so far, worrying about a backup of the
latest config changes as I bring a new machine into service has yet to
cost me any sleep. One just has to get rid of a "main backup on fridays"
mindset. It will be done and its got everything that existed at 3am when
it last ran. Amanda keeps records, better records than most IMO. And
gives you a good nights sleep too.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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