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Re: BIND and iptables config

On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 05:01:52PM +0100, Rodary Jacques wrote:
> With NetworkManager, /etc/network/interfaces has only the loopbak interface, and I can't use wicd which can't deal with two wired interfaces. And, Henning Follmann, my English is too poor to explain clearly my setup which is the standard one when your ISP gives you one routable address and you want your home LAN to have access to internet.
> 	Thanks for your interest anyway.
> 		Jacques

no your english was good enough to describe your setup. And I would say
that 90% of "us" have a form of "dialup" with on routable ip address and a
NAT setup.
First bind is not "standard" in this kind of situation and makes things
overly complicated. I would recommend dnsmasq instead. It is much more
staight forward for a NAT box to setup. It will also provide you with a
dhcp server.
And in your situation you also want to disable/avoid the NetworkManager. 
It is quite easy because evry device you list in /e/n/i will be
automaticaaly ignored by the NetworkManager.
And clearly because you have difficulties in setting this up doesn't make
all of this a bug.

Also I want to mention to setup a router with Red Hat or with debian is
possible but there a distributions which are much more suited for this
purpose. I personally like pfsense and opnsense. Both are based on BSD but
they are excellent for SOHO routing. 


Henning Follmann           | hfollmann@itcfollmann.com

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