Re: end of security support for wheezy LTS
On Tuesday 13 February 2018 18:06:31 Dan Ritter wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 02:28:51PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Those prices would appear to be aimed at a corporate setting, as
> > opposed to something that a retiree on SS might be able to afford,
> > nor is the plea taken as being aimed at me. IMO this is a mistake. I
> > am well aware
> No, they'll happily take your $5 pledge, too.
> What they are doing is telling you what it costs to hire,
> approximately, 1.5 Debian developers. If you would like to
> contribute towards that, great. If you can't afford to give
> them any money, OK, they're still doing the work as long as
> they can, and the LTS repo will continue to be updated until
> they stop.
> > would be able to make an annual donation of perhaps $100 toward the
> > expenses of the LTS. Tain't much, but how many other old farts like
> > me would be willing to do likewise?
> They would be happy to get that, too.
> > arm64 since there are now, shipping versions of arm64 out in the
> > wild for at least a year. I have 2 of the rock64's myself. Runs at
> > about 3/4 the speed of this machine, which is a quad core phenom
> > about 10 years old, and once the drivers (dual mali gfx engines,
> > high speed spi) have been written, will easily take over from
> > thousands of power slurping wintel boxes controlling industrial
> > machines.
> >
> > Thats a $44 card, with 4GiB of installed dram. You are going to get
> > more and more requests as folks take note of the rock64.
> I'm pretty sure that there is no existing wheezy support for it,
> so they are unlikely to port it. However, when LTS stops
> supporting wheezy and moves on to jessie, they will probably
> support jessie on arm64.
> That said, why are you not running stretch (current stable) on
> your arm64 machines?
And by May, I expect to see an install iso from the linuxcnc guys that is
based on stretch. But its not happened yet... One of the basic tenets of
linuxcnc is that it MUST run on older hardware, whatever was originally
installed on that machine when it was first converted in the late 90's.
If debian drops support for 486/586 machines, a lot of them will have to
be replaced, so a leap frog to the latest, low cost hardware must be a
viable path. Thats gonna make some of the oldtimers without a background
like mine, retire before its time, so we've got to make it as easy and
cheap as we can to make the hdwe upgrade needed. Thats one of the things
I am trying to do. I have around $250 in the cards etc to run a big
lathe from a raspberry pi. But the pi's all have a huge internal
architecture, problem, the data from the keyboard and mouse dongles all
has to get into the system via the invisible internal usb-2 hub, which
results in thrown away events. Once the code is committed to a file on
the sdcard, it runs the machine perfectly, but editing that code can be
quite a trip.
This particular $44 card promises to fix all that.
> -dsr-
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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