Re: How to Turn Off Autodiscovered Printers in Firefox?
On Tue 26 Sep 2017 at 00:15:31 -0500, Kent West wrote:
> So when I go to select a printer in Firefox, there are many autodiscovered
> printers to choose from. I don't want any of them in my list. How do I turn
> this off?
See later. But first stop or purge cups-browsed.
> I found the two "browse" options in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, but they make no
> difference. I found /etc/cups/cups-browsed, but killing that daemon makes
> no difference. In fact, killing CUPS altogether makes no difference (except
> my desired printer then goes away), so obviously this isn't a CUPS thing.
> Then I discovered Avahi (and had to go into learning mode - apparently this
> is also known as "Bonjour" and "Rendevous" and "ZeroConf", depending on OS
> and version and situation). The most obvious tweaks in
> /"etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf", the two "disable-publishing..." options,
> don't do anything.
Indeed not. They affect publishing, not discovery.
> But I can "systemctl disable avahi-daemon" altogether to get rid of the
> unwanted printers. But that seems like overkill, and disables all of
> Avahi's function (I was pleased to learn I can find non-Windows clients on
> our mostly-Windows-oriented network using Avahi, just by adding ".local" to
> the hostname - ex. "ping bigserver" fails, but "ping bigserver.local" gets
> replies - sweet!).
Without avahi-daemon running Firefox cannot discover printers or print
servers on the network from their DNS-SD broadcasts.
> So, any one know how to tell Avahi to not publish found printers to
> Firefox's print dialog?
All GTK applications can use avahi-daemon for printer discovery. It is
GTK you want to control, not avahi-daemon. gtk-print-backends is the
relevant property to use. Its default value is "file,cups".
I think Firefox uses GTK3. In /etc/gtk-3.0 or ~/.gtk-3.0 you want to
create the file settings.ini and see what the contents
do for you. (The file name and format is different for GTK2).
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