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Re: Need to upgrade to jessie need help

On Tue 25 Jul 2017 at 10:02:50 -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> Is there any way to permanently neuter apt-get autoremove, so that even
> if something invokes it against my will, it will *never* remove anything?
> And more, is there a way to get apt and apt-get to *stop* prompting me
> to run it, and *stop* spamming me with a list of packages that it would
> like me to remove?  (Maybe that's the same as the first question, maybe
> not.)
> My strategy so far has been "ignore the spam, and never willingly run
> autoremove".  This mostly works, but I recently learned that tasksel
> will apparently run an autoremove, without warning, whether I want it
> to or not (<http://bugs.debian.org/868892>).
> If autoremove will also remove *kernels*, which this thread seems to
> indicate is the case, then my concerns just went up another notch.
> I suppose one could manually mark each and every single installed
> package as "manually installed", but you'd have to remember to repeat
> this periodically, and it seems clumsy and inelegant compared to some
> sort of master switch that can just tell autoremove to go die in a fire.

/usr/share/doc/apt/examples/configure-index.gz has

     AutomaticRemove "false";       
     HideAutoRemove "false";

as configuration directives. I've never tried them but wouldn't mind
"true" being tested by someone and learning what happens.


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