Kent West <> writes:
> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 9:27 PM, Felix Dietrich
> < > wrote:
> Kent West <> writes:
> What I needed (and have since solved - below) was help working out the
> syntax of determining human interaction with X.
> You may also want to consider that a user probably should not be
> able to
> edit the initialisation script (xinitrc)
> In my current setup, the current user can do either of these things,
> but not permanently; his changes are lost upon a restart of X, so the
> changing of .xinitrc is a non-issue.
If the user chooses to overwrite the .xinitrc file the rsync command you
use to reset the home directory at the beginning of that script (as part
of will not be run. Maybe you should reset the home
directory at the end of the session (and also as part of the
initialisation during boot in case of a sudden power loss). also appears to be writeable by the user?
> The problem is that xinput reports several EVENTs on startup of the
> utility, so I had to figure out a way to do finer-grained testing. My
> solution is below.
> xinput test-xi2 --root | egrep -q "EVENT type 2|EVENT type 6"
Event 2 is the KeyPress event, Event 6 is the MotionNotify event. Maybe
you should check for the ButtonPress event 4 as well to handle mouse
clicks? I found the events listed in "/usr/include/X11/X.h", which you
can find as part of the x11proto-core-dev package.
I like the usage of grep's "-q" switch; I had forgotten about it.
Felix Dietrich