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Re: A minimal relational database in Debian

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On Fri, Mar 03, 2017 at 08:45:00AM +0000, GiaThnYgeia wrote:
> I will top-post as it is meaningless to comment specifically.
> I do have 5 and have not used base since I don't know when, on this
> installation it was firsts.  I am made fun of having large fonts as I
> refuse to wear glasses and my eyes get irritated trying to read small
> print.  I adjusted the menus, the cells, and everything else I can find
> straight out of the LibreB menu for fonts.  And that 130% was
> ridiculously exceeded on purpose to HUMONGOUS.
> So, I am clueless to what you are saying!  Maybe it is some desktop
> environment that is blocking the adjustment of fonts?

I'm not the office suite guy. I typically keep LO around for the case
someone throws an Excel (or worse) at me, which I convert to some
text format as quickly as possible.

I tried myself (LO 5) and didn't find a way to change the menu font
(at all). Then I did some research and found the links (all in the
libreoffice.org namespace, so one might put some trust on them), which
I repeat here for your reading convenience:

> > Re the menu font: perhaps those urls are relevant:
> > 
> >   https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/12658/libre-40-how-to-change-the-application-menu-fonts/
> >   https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/8954/change-the-default-font/
> >   https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/8954/change-the-default-font/

If I understand things correctly, 4.x had some built-in functionality
to tweak the menu's font (limited to the range 80%..130%) -- that
seems to be Richard's problem, while 5.x (that's your and my case)
delegates this functionality to the toolkit's theme machinery, which
I assume to be more or less broken in my box (I don't care very
much about that), but working in yours (you possibly do).

So all is well, but given the links above, it doesn't seem the LO
team is willing to change anything: "works as intended", and Richard
either uses his magnifying glass or another software.

All is well, kinda.

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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