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Re: Document and LBC (Was: Debian *not very good)

On 11/28/2016 7:41 AM, Greg Wooledge wrote:

A Linux system in 2016 without a working network is basically a brick,
so there should be no shock when the boot process patiently waits for
your network to be configured before bringing up all of the network

You *ERR* <GRIN>
Neither of the Linux machines in front of me have any networking connected.
One likely never will.
I was working on a project some time ago where there was active consideration of how to *DEFEAT* networking on some donated machines.

Not everybody has access to wide-band internet access - which is what is assumed for any mention of "networking". It is a significant enough that apt-offline is actively maintained [v1.7.1 released 2016-09-12].

I do admit the majority have ridiculously large speed demon well connected machines.
That routinely causes problems for some of us ;{

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