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Network connection fails during boot [Was: Debian *not very good]

On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 03:21:23PM +0000, oldbluebear wrote:
> Hi, I am one disgruntled punter.
> I have been using Debian since early 1990s. I use it to do useful work so
> any problem with the o/s is a pain in the butt. meaning I have to spend
> scarce time resolving bugs that should have been removed before it was
> released. -classic garage software I suppose- but not what I would expect
> from Debian.
> I have just upgraded to 8. I did it  reluctantly because every version of
> Debian has drifted further and further from the K&R UNIX model. Same with
> this version, only this time the thing (Debian 8) crashes one boot in 3.
> The error message:"A start job is running for LSB: Raise network interface
> (xx sec/no limit)". Where xx is a count up in seconds that never ends.  What
> is LBC ?

Do you just want to vent or would you be interested in some help? The
subject line suggest the first.

However I will just ignor this and point you in the rioght direction.
You have installed your debian in  a "false" way. And I mean that in the
way that your network configuration most likely does not work well.
Somehow you could let the network manager deal with your network
connection. Then this error message will just go away. Most likely the
message does also not appear when your network interface is plugged in and
connects to the network.
If you however inssit to manage your network manually ifplugd or some
daemon which helps you to detect the state of your interface will help you
to get rid of this issue.

[...] <rambling how everything back then was better deleted/>

If you want a computer setup like 20 years ago, just install a basic
version (during tasksel deselect everything) and install everything you
want like you did 10 years ago. It will work just like you want it.

fluxbox is still packaged and will give you the minimalistic desktop you
want so much.


Henning Follmann           | hfollmann@itcfollmann.com

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