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Re: Distinguishing between hardware, software, and operator induced symptoms

On 11/18/2016 9:09 AM, Cindy-Sue Causey wrote:
On 11/18/16, Richard Owlett <rowlett@cloud85.net> wrote:
On 11/18/2016 8:25 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
     I have a typical collection of diagnostic CD/DVDs from which
I can create
     equivalent iso files. I have a vague recollection of a
procedure to put GRUB
     [or was it LILO?] on a bootable flash drive with multiple iso
files and being
     able to choose which to boot. Ring any bells? Suggested
search terms?

Upon hitting send recognized obvious search terms ;/
Checking multiple hits.
If anyone has a favorite, I am interested.

During your original email, it came to mind that people seem to
interchange "thumb drive" and "pen drive". And depending on the
efficiency of the search engine, sometimes you must match it as one
word if someone wrote it that way, e.g. pendrive and thumbdrive..

And there I go catching a further thought while proofreading before
hitting send... You said flash drive. On this latest cognitive grasp
of that phrase, mental images of SDHC and compact flash.... memory....
drives.... disks... sticks... __CARDS... also came to mind and are
surely used by someone for booting on occasion which would then be
brought up in conversation if there were significant issues and/or

In fact I just recently purchased a VERY cheap micro-SD card for an
old camera phone I'm using as an in--hand security cam. Having had
that micro.... ooh, card... there's another one to add up above.
Anyway, having had that micro-SD card in hand inspired me to budget in
a second one to experiment with something just like it sounds like
you're attempting to do here and now..

Just thinking out loud. :)


I JUST knew I had seen something relevant.
Seems I asked the question a few months ago and received >30 replies ;/
[q.v. https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2016/04/msg01040.html ]

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