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Re: comparing password managers in Debian, synchronizing on multiple devices

Daniel Pocock <daniel@pocock.pro> writes:

> Therefore, how are people choosing a password manager and solving this
> in practice?

A primary criterion for my data is: Avoid depending on a service I can't
quickly replicate elsewhere with all my data intact.

This tends strongly toward standard protocols, and services that are
published as free software.

So, for a password manager:

* The database must be in a format already known to be readable by
  other, mature, well-maintained software.

  (This disqualifies an application-specific storage format that might
  have been readable when I first checked but doesn't remain compatible
  over time.)

* The encryption must be immediately available to decrypt with standard
  tools, using keys in a standard format and available in an obvious
  place to use.

  (This disqualifies software that says it supports a standard
  encryption algorithm but its keys or encrypted data are not right
  there for me to try decrypting in a hurry with standard tools.)

* The synchronisation must default to, and encourage, standard
  widely-implemented file synchronisation systems.

  (This disqualifies software that has a non-default option for some
  protocol that most of the application's users don't use, therefore
  it's not as widely user-tested and more likely to be unreliable when I
  need it.)

* The synchronisation must default to, and encourage, choosing an
  independently-maintained hosting provider.

  (Similar to the above, if most people default to a single hosting
  provider then the federated hosting will not be nearly well tested
  enough to assure reliability in a pinch.)

* The synchronisation must easily and obviously allow a user to set up
  their own (or ask a skilled friend to set up) hosting, on at least an
  equal standing with other synchronisation methods.

For me, at present the best option is Password Store (a.k.a. ‘pass’).

> - which password managers have a built-in mechanism for synchronizing
> or merging password lists on multiple devices?

By setting a Git remote to a private hosted repository, all my devices
can sync the password database by Git push and pull.

> - who is using some other mechanism such as Git or ownCloud to sync?

Git is not an other method, it's built in to the application :-)

> Some other factors that come to mind for a comparison table:
> - support for PGP

Password Store uses standard OpenPGP, as implemented by GnuPG.

> - support for other strong crypto (e.g. smartcard)

Don't know about this.

> - merging algorithm for multiple devices

Password Store uses a separate encrypted file for each entry, so merges
are only a matter of managing a directory tree.

> - multi-user / team capabilities

I've seen discussion of this in the Password Store community; it usually
comes down to managing one's GnuPG keys.

Password Store allows the database to be encrypted to (i.e. unlockable
by any of) multiple GnuPG keys.

> - browser integration

I prefer integration to *all* applications on the desktop: i.e., the
program should simply place the passphrase in the clipboard, allowing me
to paste it into whatever form I visit. That covers the browser as well.

 \            “But it is permissible to make a judgment after you have |
  `\    examined the evidence. In some circles it is even encouraged.” |
_o__)                    —Carl Sagan, _The Burden of Skepticism_, 1987 |
Ben Finney

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