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comparing password managers in Debian, synchronizing on multiple devices

There have been various discussions in here and in some derivative
projects like Ubuntu about choosing and using password managers,
especially the way to sync their password lists across multiple devices.

Given the way we do things in Debian it is important not to depend on a
service like Dropbox to sync the password files.

Therefore, how are people choosing a password manager and solving this
in practice?

- which password managers have a built-in mechanism for synchronizing or
merging password lists on multiple devices?

- who is using some other mechanism such as Git or ownCloud to sync?

I've made a list of some of the password managers in Debian:


There are quite a few and so it is hard for somebody to know the best
place to start, maybe a comparison table in the wiki will be needed.

Some other factors that come to mind for a comparison table:

- support for PGP
- support for other strong crypto (e.g. smartcard)
- merging algorithm for multiple devices
- multi-user / team capabilities
- browser integration

I notice that Tails chose to include KeePassX, although there is some
uncertainty how it was selected:


Can anybody comment on its history there?

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