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Re: Change of UUID?

Hi Felix, 
> > BUT - Now the problem: From time to time
> Can you give an example of such time?

Sure, from time-to-time means 2-3 times a week, but randomly.

> The Debian installer reformats an existing swap, which means it gets a new
> UUID, unless you go out of your way to prevent it from doing so.

No, I did not install Debian, I am running this now for several years.
> What do you mean by "starting a livefile"?
I mean something like this: 

blkid /dev/mapper/swap
/dev/maoper/swap  UUID="ba1b8eXXX-and-sop-on" TYPE="swap" PTTYPE="dos" 

# /etc/uswsusp.conf(5) -- Configuration file for s2disk/s2both
resume device = /dev/disk/by-uuid/fd45123cf-and-so-on"
compress = y
early writeout = y
image size = 1908094484
RSA key file = /etc/uswsusp.key
shutdown method = platform

UUID's (anonymized by me) are different! 



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