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Re: epson L210 scan

Dne 13.7.2016 v 13:51 Curt napsal(a):
Isn't there a way of getting more verbose output out of 'scanimage -L'
(like debugging info)?

it is not much

The man page for sane talks about setting certain environement variables.
this might be helpful:

export SANE_DEBUG_DLL=100
:~$ scanimage -vvvL
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of dll to 100.
[dll] sane_init: SANE dll backend version 1.0.13 from sane-backends 1.0.25
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: attempting to open directory `./dll.d'
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: attempting to open directory `/etc/sane.d/dll.d'
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: using config directory `/etc/sane.d/dll.d'
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: considering /etc/sane.d/dll.d/hplip
[dll] sane_init/read_config: reading dll.d/hplip
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `hpaio'
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: considering /etc/sane.d/dll.d/libsane-extras
[dll] sane_init/read_config: reading dll.d/libsane-extras
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `ls5000'
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: considering /etc/sane.d/dll.d/iscan
[dll] sane_init/read_config: reading dll.d/iscan
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `epkowa'
[dll] sane_init/read_dlld: done.
[dll] sane_init/read_config: reading dll.conf
[dll] add_backend: adding backend `epson2'
[dll] sane_get_devices
[dll] load: searching backend `epson2' in `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane:/usr/lib/sane' [dll] load: trying to load `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-epson2.so.1'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-epson2.so.1'
[dll] init: initializing backend `epson2'
[dll] init: backend `epson2' is version 1.0.124

.....(here was long waiting - wrote by hand, by me)...............
[dll] load: searching backend `epkowa' in `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane:/usr/lib/sane' [dll] load: trying to load `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-epkowa.so.1' [dll] load: couldn't open `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-epkowa.so.1' (No such file or directory)
[dll] load: trying to load `/usr/lib/sane/libsane-epkowa.so.1'
[dll] load: couldn't open `/usr/lib/sane/libsane-epkowa.so.1' (No such file or directory)
[dll] load: couldn't find backend `epkowa' (No such file or directory)
[dll] load: searching backend `ls5000' in `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane:/usr/lib/sane' [dll] load: trying to load `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-ls5000.so.1'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-ls5000.so.1'
[dll] init: initializing backend `ls5000'
[dll] init: backend `ls5000' is version 1.0.0
[dll] load: searching backend `hpaio' in `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane:/usr/lib/sane' [dll] load: trying to load `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-hpaio.so.1'
[dll] load: dlopen()ing `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-hpaio.so.1'
[dll] init: initializing backend `hpaio'
[dll] init: backend `hpaio' is version 1.0.0
[dll] sane_get_devices: found 0 devices

No scanners were identified. If you were expecting something different,
check that the scanner is plugged in, turned on and detected by the
sane-find-scanner tool (if appropriate). Please read the documentation
which came with this software (README, FAQ, manpages).
Calling sane_exit
[dll] sane_exit: exiting
[dll] sane_exit: calling backend `epson2's exit function
[dll] sane_exit: calling backend `ls5000's exit function
[dll] sane_exit: calling backend `hpaio's exit function
[dll] sane_exit: finished
scanimage: finished

The other env variables I dont know ho to exactly use, according to man sane:
set environment variables  SANE_DEBUG_DLL,  SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK,
       and  SANE_DEBUG_SANEI_SCSI  to  128 and then invoke scanimage -L .

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