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Re: Automounting query

On 05/03/16 06:28 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
On Saturday 05 March 2016 10:39:13 Renaud  OLGIATI wrote:
On Sat, 5 Mar 2016 09:31:26 +0000

Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz@gmail.com> wrote:
Would a kind soul remind me the invocation needed to have removable
drives automount to /media/label instead of /media/user/label ?
Is this a GNOME problem??
Or a systemd one?
Neither; non-systemd jessie, with XFCE.

I remember doing a modification on my system shortly after installing a
couple years ago, completely forgot what; and now I need to do the same on
an install for Eldest Daughter.
I ask because I have _never_ seen it.  I have also never used GNOME except on
live CDs and, very occasionally, other people's computers.  But it is
always /media/label when automounted.


Not lately. I'm using Stretch and the behaviour is as reported. I've never considered it a problem so I'm not sure when the change happened but at least in the current testing distro, auto-mounts come in under /media/<username>/<label>

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