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Re: wget log from Jigdo

On Sun, 3 Jan 2016 06:22:11 +1300, Chris Bannister
<cbannister@slingshot.co.nz> wrote:

>> You would do well to read *all* of Steve Matzura's posts before
>> bemoaning your lot. You'll come across "speech synthesis" and
>> "screen reader".
>In that case, mails in html must be almost impossible to comprehend. :)
>I'm guessing there is some sort of configuration available, so something
>like t-prot (apt-cache show t-prot) could be used. I'm only guessing
>here, I've never had any experience with a screen reader.

Just for grins, here's the two-minute lesson.

By and large, a screenreader speakes what it sees. Applications like
Microsoft Windows Live Mail and Outlook (the Express and real
versions), Mozilla Thunderbird, and probably one or two others, render
electronicmail in HTML format quite well, just like browsers render
Web pages, denoting the presence of links and other such controls
definable in HTML. Otherwise, as long as it's text, real text, not a
picture of text (like a scanned document or picture of, say, a sign or
a book cover), screenreaders handle it nicely. There are even
screenreaders now that have built-in OCR for such exception cases as
just mentioned. They know they should speak and track things that are
in a different color than the rest of the text on a screen, which
means they can track highlighted portions of text as a cursor moves or
a selection bar changes in combo and list boxes, they report the
status of checkboxes and radio buttons, multi-select list boxes,
buttons, all the standard Windows controls, of which I think there are

Where things go off the rails for screenreader users is when
application developers use non-standard Windows controls or navigation
schemes, or disable TAB-navigation entirely, because then the
screenreader has no reference point of what it should be speaking.
This is particularly annoying, not to mention frustrating, when
changing a control on a screen causes the whole screen to update, and
once again, the screenreader loses context, so, calling on its fine
command of language, it says nothing, and the user never knows what
happened. :-) Oh yes, screenreaders know emoticons and some emoji,

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