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Re: Starting, installing Redmine

Hash: SHA1

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 02:22:12PM -0700, Gary Roach wrote:
> On 08/20/2015 02:01 AM, tomas@tuxteam.de wrote:
> >Hash: SHA1
> >
> >On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 09:53:52AM +0200, Alex Mestiashvili wrote:
> >
> >>I would disable the redmine.conf as it can overlap with
> >>apache2-passenger-alias.conf
> >>And it makes no sense to have 2 configs for the same application.
> I removed the redmine.conf file. It seemed to be a duplicate of the
> -alias.conf file


> >>You haven't set the ServerName .
> >>Please set it and restart apache2
> I thought localhost or would be OK since I am running as a
> stand alone application. If this
> isn't true then I guess I don't understand the meaning of
> ServerName. I'm running 4 computers plus several wireless devices
> behind a verizon router firewall. I use for all the
> devices. I have a dummy
> domain name of quantum.com but I sort of stuck it in as a place
> holder when asked for a workgroup or
> domain. I do have internal dns setup to translate between names and
> IP addresses. The apache2 server and Redmine are both running on
> superXXXXX at .
> I tried several different things in server name with no good results.

No, localhost should be OK. I understand your puzzlement about that
(why, localhost should be equivalent to, but HTTP, in its
infinite wisdom (yeah, a bit of snark in here) has implemented Virtual
Hosts, in which one and the same host can respond to different names.
To achieve that, the client and the server quibble about which hostname
is the "right one" for this transaction. For the server to know what
to do when talked to depending on that host name, you've got to
configure that (phew!) [1].

> With respect to  Tomas's suggestion about file access, I have
> www-data included in group "root". This may not be good security but
> I just want the thing to work at this point. I'll worry about
> security later if need be.

Hm. That's an uncommon way to do things. It might work. Anyway...

what do the log files say? Best is if you look at them

(1) just after having restarted Apache. The error log should
  contain possible warnings about misconfiguration, etc.

(2) after having tried an access. The access log should at least
  show the attempt, perhaps the error log has more info.

There's a way to crank up the log verbosity, if necessary.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shared_web_hosting_service#Name-based_virtual_hosts

- -- tomás
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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