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A Question about the Application Called mail or mailx

	Until I get out-bound messages going through nmh
properly, I have found a possible stop-gap measure to use.

	The old "mail" application or "mailx" if one has
heirloom-mail does work but I have a question about piping a
message to it.

	It looks from documentation that mail can read headers
such as:

From: "martin McCormick" <martin@myhost.net>
To: martin@testhost.com
Subject: Will this ever work?

that are embedded in a message file if one sends a command
something like

mail -t [filename]

but what actually happens when I try this is an error stating
a complaint that there are no recipients on the command line.

	That's right. I put them in the file so I shouldn't have
to put them in the command line.

	Should this work and produce a sent message?

Thank you.


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