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Re: RAID b/w GPT and NON GPT partition.

On 30/06/15 02:17 PM, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
Gary Dale a écrit :
Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
    1            2048         7813119   3.7 GiB     FD00  Linux RAID
    3        27344896      1980469247   931.3 GiB   FD00  Linux RAID
    4      1980469248      2930276351   452.9 GiB   FD00  Linux RAID
    5         7815168        27344895   9.3 GiB     FD00  Linux RAID
What I would do is shrink partition 5 by 100M then create a new ef02
partition in the freed space.
Why on earth would you want to do such a dangerous and useless thing ?
As I wrote in a previous message, there is plenty of free space on the
disk to create a new BIOS boot partition of suitable size.
There is, but 2048 sectors is only 1M. Shrinking the swap partition and creating a 100M ef02 partition in the free space leaves a lot more headroom. Just because something fits today doesn't mean it will always fit.
This should be completely safe since it is
just a swap partition and contains no permanent data.
Shrinking a partition is never completely safe.
Only if you are clueless, in which case nothing is safe. Shrinking the area containing the partition table sound a whole lot more dangerous than shrinking a partition that doesn't contain anything permanent.

You turn off swap, shut down the array and shrink the partitions. When you turn the array back on, if swap doesn't work, just run mkswap /dev/md1 && swapon /dev/md1 and you're back. The 100M less swap space won't be noticed.

There is no need for RAID on the ef02 partition.
The BIOS boot partition *must not* be used as a RAID member. It must not
be used at all. It's just a raw empty partition. It does not need to be
formatted as FAT or whatever. Any format will be destroyed when
grub-install writes the bootloader in the partition.

Agreed. My wording should have been stronger.

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