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Re: jessie: `evince`, `atril`, `okular` unable to open PDFs; "libtiff.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

On 21/05/15 06:24, Alexis wrote:
Martin Read <zen75502@zen.co.uk> writes:
The following *should* do the trick:

find /usr/lib -type f -name '*.so*' -print0 | xargs -0 grep libtiff.so.4

(It comes up empty on my jessie system, whereas putting libtiff.so.5
in  the arguments to grep gives me a nice long list.)

That would just find libtiff.so.4 somewhere on my system,

In the command I provided:

find would emit a list of all shared libraries (and possibly a few false positives if someone has done something strange in the naming of files stored there...) under /usr/lib, using ASCII NUL ('\0') as the separator.

xargs would receive that list, separate it at the NULs, and pass the resulting strings as command line arguments to grep (across multiple executions if the list is long enough to blow out the limit on command line size)

grep would then search each of the files identified on its command line for the regexp "libtiff.so.4" and report any matches, identifying any libraries which *refer to* libtiff.so.4.

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