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Re: Question: Why do you dist-upgrade?

Tim Kelley wrote:
> I'm a server admin for a living, for the last 25 years, I mean data centers
> and lately, cloud. There a very few conditions that would make me
> dist-upgrade a server, that is absolutely primitive. Servers are created
> from scratch in minutes at will from an SCMS or automated install and if
> not, you are wrong!

So a client comes to you as a professional admin.  Let's say they have
an aging Squeeze LTS based web server.  They want to move to Jessie
which you may have heard is recently released.  Would you re-install
their system to Jessie and ask them to reinstall their web site from
scratch?  Or would you spend twenty minutes upgrading from Squeeze 6
to Wheezy 7 and then from Wheezy 7 to Jessie 8?

I know what I would do.  I would upgrade.  (After ensuring a proper
backup.  Backups are needed regardless.)  Debian is all about being
able to upgrade.

I upgrade all of my systems each and every day.  Reinstalling them
every day would be insane.  Upgrades are trivial.

BTW...  A request to all.  Please trim your quoted replies.  Top
posting on top of hundreds of lines is poor form.  Take a look at this
posting for example.  There were 7 lines of original content in it.
Yet the entire message was 189 lines.  That is a lot of noise to have
to wade through to read those 7 lines of original content.



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