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Re: have we any twittering-mode users on the list?

Jude DaShiell [2015-03-04 23:30:44-05] wrote:

> I tried using the package and almost got everything working with the
> exception of one mystery for me.

I use twittering-mode installed from MELPA package archive.

> I get the package authorized with twitter, then the encrypting
> personal information dialog comes up where I'm asked to enter a master
> password since I set that variable in my .emacs file. Unfortunately
> the documentation does not make clear what needs to be entered to
> answer the questions so encryption fails everytime.

Do you mean ~/.twittering-mode.gpg file? It should be encrypted with
your GPG public key or maybe with just plain passphrase (symmetric). I
think I encrypted it manually using gpg tool in a terminal.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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