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But there is a choice to not use systemd (war: Re: View on UNIX purism in Linux Community)

Am Dienstag, 16. September 2014, 08:46:36 schrieb Charlie:
> On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:48:02 +0200 Martin Steigerwald sent:
> > I have mixed thoughts and feelings about systemd… but on the other
> > hand I think discussing this further here… is… a waste of time – as
> > it won´t change anything.
> I'm uncertain if that's correct. It certainly highlights some features
> and flaws and peoples preferences and even though it's often
> disparaged, imagine that some developers and programmers read posts on
> this list relevant to their work.
> Anyway I think that the real subject is, as others have said, the
> ability to choose.
> True freedom is having a choice, and as some have stated, the only
> choice they see may be to move to another operating system if Debian
> doesn't give them choice within it. But there is always choice.

At the moment you *have* a choice. I think Debian one of the *few* 
distributions that let you have this choice. I bet you won´t have this choice 
easily with RHEL 7 or SLES 12 and probably even Fedora and openSUSE.

Michael Biebl even just tested this choice, see:


So once thing everyone who doesn´t want systemd on their systems can do is to 
*install* and *test* this alternative and report all bugs with it. That I bet 
would help a bunch more than discussing it in an extend that is surpasses 
anything I have ever seen before on this list.

First *look* at things. Then *discuss* whats still needs to be discussed in 
your eyes then.

I will use systemd for now. I will give it a chance despite my doubts. So far 
it fared pretty well. I still think 1,3 MB as PID 1 is ridicolous, but it 
works quite well for me. And that said, I do report bugs with systemd i.e. the 
solution I use at the moment.

Other options are:

1) Try to convince Debian developers to revert systemd discussion. I doubt 
that any amount of discussion here on this list will achieve this result. Do a 
petition or whatever and hope for the best.

2) Work on an alternative.

3) Take your feedback on systemd *upstream*.

But continuing to discuss here aside from *concrete* technical issues you 
have? Well… if you like to use your time for that… do what you want. I don´t 
like to waste my time like this.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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