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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments [somewhat off topic]

On 20140506_1820+0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-05-06 at 17:56 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> > I don't want to decide what "sane" default software for JWM usage could
> > be. Some people want to get something close to a bloated DE, other's
> > want to be closer to a tiling window manager when using JWM.
> PPS: I want to get something in the middle. A very vague statement,
> isn't it?
> I don't care what's installed on my HDDs. I've much Gigs of software
> installed. I care about what software SysVinit, systemd or upstart
> starts during boot and what is started by default for the user's X
> session. The less, the better, however, for special needs I still can
> launch additional services and apps or even unbind USB ports.


My response to your first reply: When I write desktop environment, I'm
thinking of the environment in which the computer will operate, namely
the desktop of a person working at, and maybe sitting at, a desk, e.g.
the environment in which you likely composed your reply. Further, I
sense that you prefer less bloat, as opposed to more bloat. Go with
your preference. The people who object are likely already using Gnome3
and will never notice the slight. We do not have to 'harmonize' all 
points of view within this small suggestion for Debian.

The impression I have is that what one sees and what one gets are very
easily tweaked if one has access to the text scripts that implement a
particular 'environment'. So, from my point of view, almost anything
that doesn't crash with a long list of cryptic error messages would be
helpful. ( All error messages are cryptic if one does not have access
to well written, well organized documentation for a system, and access
to a working version of the system for trying test cases. ) In other
words, I think you surely have already made almost all the decisions
for "task-jwm-desktop.ralf.mardorf". Anyone who objects to your
choices can generate an alternative variation. I doubt that there will
be sufficient responses to this suggestion to require a serious
discussion at a policy level in the Debian organization. 

Just for a start, is there a way of posting candidate task-whatever
scripts on wiki.debian.org? 

Thanks for taking my idea seriously enough to respond three times!!!

Paul E Condon           

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