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Re: Debian 7.x and desktop environments [somewhat off topic]

Hi Paul,

On Tue, 2014-05-06 at 07:54 -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
> I want a new "task-jwm-desktop" to be written.

JWM isn't a desktop environment, it's a window manager only. To provide
such a meta package for JWM would be more controversy, than it already
is for Xfce. For example, Xfce has got it's own terminal emulation, but
Jwm doesn't provide it's own terminal emulation. It might make sense to
provide xfce4-terminal or roxterm for such a JWM meta-package, but many
people perhaps think that something lightweight as JWM, provided by a
meta-package, by default should come with xterm. What file manager is
appropriated for JWM? ROX filer? Rodent? Thunar? Assumed Thunar would be
appropriated, with or without installing GVFS?

Etc. pp..

2 Cents,

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