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Re: Four people decided the fate of debian with systemd. Bad faith likely

On 03/03/14 05:28, Doug wrote:
> On 03/02/2014 02:02 AM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>> On 02/03/14 16:53, yaro@marupa.net wrote:
>>> On Sunday, March 02, 2014 04:25:13 PM Scott Ferguson wrote:
>>>> On 02/03/14 11:28, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 2014-03-02 at 10:55 +1100, Scott Ferguson wrote:
>>> In a few more years I imagine most people opposed to systemd won't
>>> have a problem with it being there after all after using it for a bit.
>> I'd be very surprised if it wasn't modified to suit the needs of the
>> majority of developers - and they tend have the same itches as the
>> "users", just slightly less conservative about their "needs". But I'm
>> not a futurist.
>> Though I did try voting conservative for a change - not surprisingly I
>> was disappointed ;p
> Has it occurred to anyone that the devs keep making changes to things
> that work perfectly well, because if they didn't, they wouldn't have
> anything
> to do, and might be out of a job?
> --doug

In two decades of using "Linux" (building, deploying, supporting),
mostly Debian, *no*. And that's a "considered" opinion based on a fair
"understanding" of what's involved. udev and UUID are good examples. But
you're free to ride a donkey and run kernel_0.1 on steam power if you
want. Just as those without the experience or ability are free to
conflate "thought" and "imagination" so they can "intuitively"
"understand" what's involved in processes performed by people with
lesser "powers" who had to spend years learning the processes.

apropos of little. Conservatism - a faith (often associated with a gun
fetish) held by those who believe King Cnut conspired with the tide, and
a fear that all change is not inevitable, but the result of some sort of
liberal/communist/socialist/academic/freeloader plot that invariably
confirms their deeply held belief that "it's all about 'them' stealing
what's mine". Not a path to happiness or peace.

Kind regards

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