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Re: drupal setting up in jessie from package.

Answering my own question:

> Can you please help me with drupal-7 setting up w/ jessie?
> I have read through many articles on the web and still did not get my
> question answered, which is this: though it is almost always is
> advised to download|unpack|copy drupal - jessie has it is own
> package, so how do i set up drupal in this case? I can not understand
> the structure of sites regarding having drupal in /usr/share - where
> jessie has it. It would be wonderful if you point me to a howto that
> regards that fact
> - so no need to download from drupal site. Thanks in advance.

Apache should be configured poining to jessie drupal install:

<VirtualHost *:80>
	ServerAdmin [your email address]
	DocumentRoot /usr/share/drupal6/
	ServerName [your vhost#1 name]
	ServerAlias [if you want to support www.example.com and
example.com] RewriteEngine On
	RewriteOptions inherit


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