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Re: PXE install, without internet?

> No. Probably a DNS problem, alt+f4 in the affected installation to see
> where the error is.

> I've seen the problem but don't recall a specific cause - I also don't
> know your DNS, PXE and TFTP server setup. I generally use an IPCop
> Firewall and DNS, with PXE and TFTP on a separate (VirtualBox) machine,
> so my experience may not translate.

I will be back next monday or tuesday.
For starters I installed the server packages from this guide.

And the dns and tftp configurations was done using this guide.

And finally placed the tftp boot files in the directory as specified
in the official debian guide.

As soon as I reach my college the first thing I will do is share my
/etc/networking/interfaces files to
show how I have set up my server.

And thanks for the kind words. Appreciated everyone efforts.

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