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Re: Re: Re: the developers have spoken

>Don't forget, I am also a user. If I felt the project no longer
>my interests, I would leave.  I would not waste my time or the
>by continuing to complain about what might have been.

That sure makes sense. But there might be people who a) are very
emotional about Debian and what it stood for ("who the bloody hell
cares about Debian") and who b) still have hope Debian will go back to
it's famous conservatism ("when it's ready"), perhaps in the release
after the next release (i for one don't share that hope, btw).

I doubt all of them are trolls, or just want to make noise. 
Where on earth could they give feedback? It is not on debian-user, it
isn't even in #debian-offtopic IRC. 

systemd was introduced in a rush. That is hardly the problem of the
users. The problems of noise could have been expected. 

The people might follow your advise and simply go away. The doesn't
make the problem go away. Imho.

I for one will follow your advise, i can't contribute anything useful
anymore. But i tried hard to explain why people - at least a part
of them - post at all. 
Thanks for answering to me, seriously. Good luck and fun with Debian. 

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