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Re: Re: Perfect Jessie is something like this...

On Mi, 22 oct 14, 20:07:06, Rusi Mody wrote:
> Thanks Andrei for that.
> Some suggestions hopefully not too contentious :-)
Constructive feedback is always welcome :)

> 1. "Some packages may depend on systemd" should probably be linked to
>    some mention of gnome. [My hunch is that gnome is a bigger problem than
>    is realised and so systemd is getting more flak than is fair

$ aptitude search '?depends(libpam-systemd)'
p   gdm3                            - GNOME Display Manager                     
p   gnome-bluetooth                 - GNOME Bluetooth tools                     
p   gnome-settings-daemon           - daemon handling the GNOME session settings
i   lightdm                         - simple display manager                    
i A network-manager                 - network management framework (daemon and u
i A policykit-1                     - framework for managing administrative poli
i A udisks2                         - D-Bus service to access and manipulate sto

So it wouldn't be fair to put all the blame on Gnome. Also, as far as I 
understand PolicyKit and Udisks are DE agnostic, I wouldn't be surprised 
if some other DEs and/or applications start using them instead of 
(re)implementing their own stuff.

> 2. Remove systemd should probably be in 3 (more??) points
>    Remove systemd from system is vague and means different things to 
>    different people

Right. I split that in four different questions.

>    a. For a single run one can try out any init system with a grub line
>       ... init=/lib/sysvinit/init|/lib/systemd/systemd

Forgot about this one, thanks.

>    b. For permanently choosing ... you have given the command
>       # apt-get install sysvinit-core systemd-shim systemd-sysv-
>       Maybe also give the 'reversal' command: how to get replace sysvinit-ed
>       system with a systemd-ed system??
Not a very FAQ :p

>    c. Remove libsystemd0: Hard and beyond the scope of this FAQ.
> 3. Dbus: I am out of depth! [And should go and read Christian's careful
>    explanations with corresponding care!]

Dbus is a completely different subject and it seems like most people 
only want to remove it because they think it's related to systemd.

Kind regards,
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