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Re: Good news on claws-mail

Peter Nieman <gmane-acct@t-online.de> writes:

> As mentioned already in another posting, I think the best, if not the 
> only solution for Debian would be to split the whole thing in two, one 
> for desktop environment users and one for users who do not want a 
> desktop environment. Packages that only work in a desktop environment 
> should only go into the DE repository, while programs that work both 
> within or without a DE should exist in two versions, the non-DE version 
> being compiled in such a way that no dependency on any DE component or 
> library exists.

Perhaps no need to split into different repositories, just have
different packages. For instance, we already have several packages with
a '-nox' suffix to their name, which I've greatly appreciated. A
'-nodbus', etc. might be nice too, gets rid of those "No D-BUS daemon
running" messages and suchlike, and this reminds me of weird things I
see like "The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any
.service files". Even XFCE4 can be compiled with various kinds of
support disabled, or at least it could last I looked.

Admittedly, there might be combinatorially many possibilities here -- at
least too many to be practical -- and Debian already has a lot of useful
tools surrounding building packages from Debian-patched source, so it's
not been too bad to arrange some of this easily myself with the compile
options I want, albeit perhaps with an envious eye toward Gentoo's USE
flags. After all, sometimes I do want X support, I just don't want, say,
policykit, or certainly not all the session/seat management that systemd
seems designed to provide.

> By the way, I am a desktop user, using fvwm. But I don't want all my 
> applications to "look and feel" the same, I don't want everything to 
> interact with everything, and I want to control my computer instead of 
> being controlled by my computer.


-- Mark

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