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Re: systemd-shim to be removed?

On Mi, 01 oct 14, 19:44:06, Slavko wrote:
> And all these things are named as "systemd alternative" in Debian now
> and as argument that the systemd is not only one possible PID 1.

Your comments from this and other posts seem to suggest there is a big
conspiracy in Debian trying to make everybody believe there is choice of 
init systems while there is not. Assuming you are not simply trolling 
I'd like to point out:

1. The people developing and/or maintaining systemd-shim are not the 
same people developing and/or maintaining systemd, these are separate 

2. Due to 1. it's difficult to keep systemd-shim and systemd-logind in 
sync, especially since systemd developers never made any promises about
interfaces internal to the systemd project, in this particualar case 
between systemd (the daemon) and systemd-logind[1][2]. Add to this 
testing migration, unexpected bugs, etc.

3. Your comments are anything but motivating for the people working hard 
to provide you with an alternative to running applications depending on 
systemd-logind without having to run systemd as PID 1. If you care about 
such an alternative you should instead support them in any way you can.

[1] it's their project, they probably choose to develop it that way 
*because* they didn't want to worry about internal interfaces. If some 
other project now wants to reuse only pieces of systemd (the project) 
they will have to carry the burden of coping with these interface 

[2] in my very humble opinion systembsd seems to be more viable in the 
long term, because, if I understand correctly, it is aiming to replace 
systemd-logind (and a few other components needed by DEs), i.e. be an 
alternative implementation of a *public* interface that is *stable* and 

Kind regards,
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