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Re: Creating a forum for systemd debate

Mike McGinn wrote:
On Tuesday, September 16, 2014 12:17:19 Slavko wrote:

Dňa Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:24:07 -0400 Steve Litt

<slitt@troubleshooters.com> napísal:
On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:15:59 -0700

Don Armstrong <don@debian.org> wrote:
Yes, please. The pro/anti systemd discussion isn't on topic for this
mailing list.
Precisely. Bugs and user difficulties produced by innumerable
dependencies have nothing to do with Debian-Users, it's merely an
interesting discussion for developers.
Sure, the developers discussion is OT here. But, please, what when
these things (developers decisions) affects the users?

Now it seems, that the users can here post only: "The DD are best and
their choices are the best" and anything critic is OT here. If yes, then
"something is rotten in the state of Denmark" ...

Every developer decision affects the users. As in any sane system of
governance for this type of organization, the ones doing the work get to make
the decisions. If you want to be in on the decisions, pick an orphaned
package. I have been Treasurer of my congregation for six years and will stand
for President next year. I hear lots of complaints from people who are
unwilling to do any work to make the organization work. To all I say: "Either
help or get out of the way."

Red Hat is shipping systemd with RH 7. If one were to google "redhat systemd"
the RH systemd documentation can be found. I spent some time reading this last
night. I found some of the features compelling. Since Red Hat focuses on
reliability over all else, I really doubt that systemd will destroy your

Red Hat is a very different system than Debian, in many ways - a lot of which I respect, some of which I don't, which is why I run Debian on our servers.

Effectively, systemd is one more step toward turning Debian (and other distros) into Red Hat Linux. If you want Red Hat, and don't want to pay for it, CentOS and Fedora are both respectable choices.

Turning Debian and other distros into Red Had is not, IMHO a good thing.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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