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Re: SSD optimization on Debian (2014)

On 08/07/14 05:18 AM, Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:
> KS wrote on 07/06/2014 17:29:
> <snip>
>> What I want to know at this point is:
>> Is there anything else that is recommended?
>> The section on RAMDISK options on tmpfs, does that help?
> <snip>
> If you are going with /tmp on tmpfs and are using a graphical desktop (X), I
> recommend to set something like (sh syntax)
> export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/tmp/.cache-$USER

I have read some stuff on pros and cons for /tmp on tmpfs. One case case
be a powerloss (just a desktop without UPS) or kernel panic and I loose
files that I might have on /tmp temporarily. Rather /var might be of
more concern as stuff gets written to logs constantly and more
frequently than /tmp (I suppose).

Over the last couple of days I have tried to run the trim command a few
times and it seems to trim lots of bytes. 1) is that normal? 2) does
that matter if I forget it, and 3) is it better to run a cron
daily/hourly to do that for me *if needed*?

Thanks to all. The thread kind of confirmed my suspicions that the
articles were too old and the SSD tech has improved over the last few years.


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