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Re: fastest linux distro

On Thu, 29 May 2014 06:27:50 +0200
Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net> wrote:

> On Wed, 2014-05-28 at 20:15 -0400, Tony Baldwin wrote:
> > jwm, openbox, wmii, tritium, etc., are window managers that might
> > reduce your load.
> Correct, however, it doesn't matter if you run JWM or KDE4, when just
> using a browser, on an averaged dual-core machine. There won't be
> noticeable performance differences. I've got a Debian install on such
> a dual-core machine with KDE4 and JWM installed.

In theory, the preceding paragraph might be correct, but
in practice, counterexamples abound. KDE spawned dbus-daemon processes
often hold 97% of a core hostage. Gigabyte-sized soprano-virtuoso.db
files. Neopmuk and Akonadi. All sorts of other problems.


I don't talk about it much on this mailing list, but
Troubleshooters.Com has a policy against putting any KDE library or
anything depending on a KDE library on any of our computers. Back at my
home LUG, one of our smartest guys, a guy who changes his DE every
couple months to get the most perfect interface, started using KDE,
telling me I was unduly prejudiced against KDE. 3 months later, he tore
KDE off his system and told me I'd been right all along.

I know there are distros that do KDE right, without problems. But my
stance is that, if using a given user interface requires me to install
a specific distro, I won't use that interface.


Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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