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Re: fastest linux distro

On Thu, 2014-05-29 at 06:43 +0200, Raffaele Morelli wrote:
> 2014-05-29 6:27 GMT+02:00 Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net>:
> On Wed, 2014-05-28 at 20:15 -0400, Tony Baldwin wrote:
> > jwm, openbox, wmii, tritium, etc., are window managers that might
> > reduce your load.
> Correct, however, it doesn't matter if you run JWM or KDE4, when just
> using a browser, on an averaged dual-core machine. There won't be
> noticeable performance differences. I've got a Debian install on such
> a dual-core machine with KDE4 and JWM installed.
> Don't you spread confusion, a standard kde or gnome install "sucks"
> memory because of that,

Because of what does it sucks memory? It sucks (memory) if somebody
claims something that isn't true by an email sent as HTML + plain text.

There's no need to sent the same text in one mail two times, especially
when HTML is frowned upon. And now the bomb drops ...

> Awesome or JWM they run with a ridicoulus memory usage, so DE matters
> a lot on systems with 2gb of memory.
> If you have daemons/services running in the background it matters,
> everything matters on machines of that kind if you don't need (ssh,
> cups, cron, ntp, at, syslog, exim, etc etc...) 

... there's also no need to start services that are unneeded and there's
no need to use KDE4 with desktop effects. You are free to run KDE4
without 3D or sound effects, you are free to use any DE without services
that upstream or distro maintainers make a default.

2GB on a dual-core and you won't see a difference in performance when
running   vim   in   gnome-terminal,  no matter if you run it on KDE4 or

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