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Re: Xfce4, systemd - shutdown via builtin-dialog isn't working

Am 17.05.2014 04:27, schrieb Zenaan Harkness:

> I have no display manager.


> Also, I would like to see Shutdown and Suspend enabled, of course.

Most likely related to [0].
Make sure you have libpam-systemd installed and enabled and when
starting the X session to use the same tty as your console login so your
logind session is "upgraded" for your X session.
In the linked bug report they recommend to use something like

startx -- vt01 (in case your logged in on tty1)

> So I finally get back to linux console, log in again to console, and
> sudo shutdown.
> systemd mostly shuts down, but doesn't power off.

Did you use shutdown -h or halt? This does not poweroff of your machine
on purpose.
If you want that, use poweroff (or systemctl poweroff).


[0] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=747882
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