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Re: Filespace exhaustion on '/' partition

On 11/05/2014 22:07, Sven Joachim wrote:
A simple "mount --bind / /mnt" makes all those files
visible under /mnt, and you can delete them at your leisure.

I mounted the root partition at /mnt/test and used du.

server4:/home/ron# du /mnt/test/mnt -hx --max-depth=1
2.7G    /mnt/test/mnt/backupserver
0       /mnt/test/mnt/test
2.7G    /mnt/test/mnt

The 2.7GB is the remnant of a first backup attempt to a new backup server. We backup over NFS, to a server mounted at /mnt/backupserver.

During that backup trial, the new backup server was not configured correctly, and this machine had not - actually - seen it, though it had appeared to do so. As a result, this machine tried to do a backup to that destination, /mnt/backupserver, and had - evidently - filled the root partition before complaining about space.

I hadn't understood - then - what had happened, and I corrected (only) the missing NFS export and connectivity. That fix meant that the mountpoint no longer 'pointed' to a set of directories on the root partition but - instead - to the NFS export (correctly). A 'proper' backup then succeeded; what I hadn't realised, until now, was that the original set of failed-test directories was still there, filling the partition and, moreover, now invisible.

There are some very clever people on this list; how on earth did anyone know that.

I need one more piece of advice. I will delete those files but 'I think' I need to keep

/mnt/test/mnt - because that's the main server fs /mnt directory

/mnt/test/mnt/backupserver - because that's the normal NFS mountpoint for the backups

and I think I can delete everything within, and beneath,

Does anyone see a problem with what I intend to do?

regards, Ron

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